Previous Webinars

Watch the recordings of our most popular webinars in English and German.

Coach Yourself Confident

Julie Smith, founder of Talent Sprout, shares insights on how to distance yourself from your inner critic. Her groundbreaking book "Coach Yourself Confident" won the 2024 getAbstract Business Impact Reader´s Choice Award. This session will help you silence your inner critic and embrace your brilliance.

How to Make Feedback Fearlessly

45-Minute webinar with Dr. Joe Hirsch. Whether you’re focused on improving individual performance, team dynamics, or refining organizational culture, this session will equip you with the tools to transform feedback from something feared into an opportunity for growth and connection. 

Create High Performance Through Humanity

15-minute webinar on bringing humanity back to leadership.  Join David Mead, co-author of the best-selling book Find Your Why, will focus on trust and connection can drive high performance within teams. 

How to Receive Feedback Fearlessly

15-Minute webinar with Dr. Joe Hirsch, a global keynote and TEDx speaker, bestselling author of "The Feedback Fix", and host of the popular podcast "I Wish They Knew", for an enlightening talk that will transform the way you perceive and receive feedback.

Rethink Work-life Balance

Dan Pontefract, a renowned leadership strategist and best-selling author, as he shares insights from his groundbreaking book, "Work-Life Bloom: How to Nurture a Team That Flourishes". This enlightening session will challenge you to rethink how you perceive work-life integration, offering a healthier and more fulfilling perspective for both leaders and team members.

Embracing Your Core: The Journey to Authentic Self-Confidence

Giovanni Dienstmann, esteemed meditation teacher and author of the transformative book "Wise Confidence", shares enlightening insights into building a solid foundation of self-confidence by aligning with your core 

Succeed with Intention: Emerging as a Leader in Your Workplace

Shelmina Abji, acclaimed author of "Show Your Worth: 8 Intentional Strategies for  Women to Emerge as Leaders at Work", for a discussion of the specific strategies she employs to achieve goals, and what it takes to emerge as a leader in your profession. 

Start Doing Something That Matters

Join bestselling author, Michael Bungay Stanier, for an inspiring discussion about unlocking your ambitions to make a difference in your life and in the world around you.

Why Smart People Make Sure to Do Work They Love

Minda Zetlin helps people and organizations find and reach their goals. Learn how to become more productive, build the relationships that lead to success, and focus on what’s most important so they can achieve more and burn out less.

How to Work with (Almost) Anyone

Join best-selling author of "How to Begin" and "The Coaching Habit", Michael Bungay Stanier, for an inspiring discussion about how to build the best possible work relationship with anyone. (Well, almost anyone.)

Bringing Gratitude, Grace, and Love to Work

Being graceful is an internal job. Alexsys Thompson explains how aligning your values and behavior will boost your performance and resilience and make you feel more fulfilled at work and in life.

How To Connect Effectively Across Cultures

Diversity consultant and podcaster Tayo Rockson shares best practices for opening dialogue, building trust and finding common ground with people who have different values and belief systems from us.

Develop Superhuman Focus

Focus is a game-changer for individual and group performance. Meditation teacher and coach Giovanni Dienstmann introduces you to the key concepts of focus and deep work. 

The Power of Curiosity

In times of rapid change, staying curious is a competitive advantage. This session with Stefaan Van Hooydonk explores how you can grow your own curiosity and encourage curious behavior within your organization. 

Don´t Just Survive, Thrive

In order to thrive during times of increasing challenges and complexity, you will find clarity in a simple yet powerful set of universal design principles found in all living systems, including organizations. Find out more about this in this session with Michelle Holliday.

Continuing Your JEDI Growth

Dr. Tiffany Jana talks about how to keep growing interpersonally by embracing vulnerability. This webinar will shift your viewpoint on being called in and making mistakes. 

The “Stress Off” Button

Learning how to navigate a world full of uncertainties and disruptions is something everyone needs to do. Discover real-time solutions with Richard Sutton for tackling one of society's most prolific challenges.

Navigating Disruption in the Workplace

Disruptions are opportunities to re-imagine, re-invent and re-invigorate. Become an inspired agent of change, use your voice and activate the embedded agility already within you - with Henna Inam.

Virtual Training Across the Enterprise

As the progression in L&D to the virtual classroom continues, training offerings need to evolve to support a more global workforce that works in remote teams. Learn from Jennifer Hoffmann.

Women of Color in Business

This conversation with Minda Harts explores how to make the workplace work for everyone, especially women of color. Learn how to be an ally and activate empathy and courageous listening.

The Critical Need for Connection

In times of remote work and increasing stress, cultures of connection improve organizational health and performance. Together with Michael Stallard, tap into the power of human connection.


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old.


Kooperatives Lernen leicht gemacht

Wer sicherstellen will, dass das eigene Team sich nicht verheddert, findet in "Team Toppings - 21 Lernhacks für agiles Arbeiten" von Franziska Schleuter und Thomas Tillmann viele praktische Hinweise und Routinen, die genau das vermeiden helfen – egal, ob Sie Teil eines Teams sind oder eines leiten.

New Work? Old Work? – Good Work!

In unserem Webinar ergründet Jule Jankowski, wie gute Arbeitskultur jenseits von hochstilisierten Managementmethoden und leeren 
New Work-Versprechungen gelingen kann.

Bildung – nicht irgendeine, sondern die weltbeste!

In unserem Webinar erklärt die Autorin und Professorin für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Yasmin Weiß, welche (Meta-)Kompetenzen es 
braucht, um im beruflichen Kontext langfristig erfolgreich zu sein.

Es geht immer um Interpretation

Bei vielen Menschen besteht 
Analphabetismus im Umgang mit Zahlen, Wahrscheinlichkeiten und Risiken“.

Über diese Aussage werden wir mit Katharina Schüller der Autorin des Buches "Grüne fahren SUV und Joggen macht unsterblich – Über Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Unstatistik" sprechen. Genauso natürlich darüber, wie wir das ändern können – jeder für sich selbst.

Lernen Sie so,  wie es zu Ihnen passt!

Wer auf Dauer erfolgreich sein möchte, kommt ums Lernen nicht herum. Erfahren Sie von Debora Karsch und Renate Wittmann, wie Sie lebenslanges Lernen so gestalten, dass es zu Ihnen und Ihrem Wunsch nach Weiterentwicklung passt.

Schwierige Zeiten? – Bleiben Sie innerlich stark!

In herausfordernden Situationen nicht mehr die beste Version seines Selbst zu sein, ist normal, sagt Sebastian Purps-Pardigol. Lernen Sie zu verstehen, was Stress mit uns macht, um genau dann bewusst eingreifen zu können.

Lernhacks  - Nehmen Sie Ihr Lernen in die Hand!

Wie lerne ich effektiv und motiviert? Thomas Tillmanns Antwort darauf sind „Lernhacks“,  Tools, mit denen jeder die eigene Weiterbildung selbst in die Hand nehmen und erfolgreich gestalten kann. Einfach und praktisch - probieren Sie es aus!

Kommunizieren – aber richtig!

Effektiv kommunizieren ist eine Kernkompetenz, die über den Erfolg im beruflichen Alltag entscheidet. Wer erfolgreich kommunizieren will, muss Sie nicht nur das Richtige sagen, sondern Körpersprache lesen lernen, weiß Jakob Lipp!

New Work – die Zukunft der Arbeit aktiv gestalten 

Treten Sie ein in die Lernzone, mit Katrin Busch-Holfelder: Offenheit und Neugierde gepaart mit einer ehrlichen Selbstreflexion sind die besten Zutaten, um auch zukünftig erfolgreich zu bleiben – beruflich wie privat.

mindful@work – Achtsamkeit im Job

Stress im Beruf ist einer der Hauptgründe für Unzufriedenheit und Krankheit. Doch man ist Stress nicht ausgeliefert, man kann ihm entgegenwirken, sagt Ralf Braun. Diese Bemühung nennt sich Achtsamkeit.